
How To Make Animated Icons After Effects

How to animate an icon in After Furnishings

after furnishings Dec x, 2018

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FREE LottieFiles Icon Animation Form For UX/UI & Product Designers

Create a Professional Icon Blitheness and Play it on Your Phone (no feel necessary)

Larn how to brand an icon blitheness in Adobe After Furnishings

Show-off your icon animation on your phone for your team, clients, or stakeholders

Build a portfolio-quality showcase UI Animation

Consign your assets for mitt-off to engineers

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It'southward of import to empathize and know how to apply Subsequently Furnishings Icons! On this page you will learn how to Animate Icons and get guidance from me on how y'all tin can utilize them in your design!

Tabular array of Content

  • i. Why is Subsequently Effects good for making animated icons
  • 2. Steps on How to Breathing Icons
  • 3. Tips to Acuminate your Animating Skills in After Effects
  • 4. Animation in After Effects: Basic Understanding
  • 5. Terminal Thoughts

i. Why is After Effects skilful for making blithe icons

How can after effects aid create animated icons. Why Later on furnishings is recommended and best for creating blithe icons. What are the Pros and its advantages?

Adobe After Effects is the number one most recommended tool of choice for creating blithe icons. It's been used by professional person animators for years.

At that place really is no 2nd best. Many UX, UI & Product Designers want to learn how to animate in Afterward Effects is the about powerful tool, and the one with the most status and prestige. Several years agone, a new framework came out called Lottie, which allows you to export your After Effects icon animations direct to engineers. This was a full game changer and removed all of the prior obstacles that existed.

When you animate in After Effects you have total and complete control over every aspect of your design and blitheness.

There's no other tool that gives yous this range of precision and attention to detail.

The main reason you want to learn how to animate in Later Effects is because yous tin can really detail out every dash of your icon animation.

Your skill level is the limiting cistron, whereas with other tools, the tool just doesn't let yous do everything you may want to do.

This ability is critical for apps, websites, and digital products where y'all want to either design an icon animation with maximum usability or maximum make expression.

In the case of usability, yous want to have as much control and precision as possible. In the example of make expression, you need the ability to fully pattern the subtle details and flavors of animation that will create a cracking production experience.

So to recap, you want to animate in After Effects because you accept full control over your icon animation, and because you can now export these animations directly to engineers using Lottie.

2. Steps on How to Animate Icons

Video Tutorials

We'll be creating shape layers from the Adobe Illustrator file, applying trim paths on each shape, and animating it with a few elementary keyframes. You'll want to go basics and animate all your icons after this tutorial. The steps I will exist covering include:

  • Review the pattern setup in Illustrator
  • Import the design into Later on Furnishings
  • Apply and breathing the 'Trim Paths tool in After Effects
  • Continue doing it to all the icon elements
  • Finesse the timing
  • Relish!

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3. Tips to Acuminate your Animating Skills in Afterwards Effects

What are your tips to help beginners and professionals to further acuminate or improve their skills in using after effects or animating in afterward effects.

Free UI Animation Class

When it comes to learning how to animate in After Furnishings, it is important to acuminate your skills so you can produce professional piece of work. Most of the time, designers learning how to animate in Later on Furnishings volition become overwhelmed or give up entirely. This is understandable considering information technology is a huge plan, specifically designed for creating things like movement graphics (like telly commercials) and visual effects (like zombie makeup that gets added in post production).

Icon animation and virtually UI animation use merely a pocket-sized subset of the Later on Effects tools, which makes learning to create them easy to practise.

There are several important tips to know.

The showtime is how to become your pattern assets into Later Effects. These workflows used to be more challenging, simply at present they've become much simpler. Now you can work with Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, and even Photoshop. If y'all don't accept the fourth dimension to learn these simple workflows, you tin can't even become to the blitheness phase.

Another important tip is to understand how the graph editor works in After Effects. Y'all volition demand to know this when you animate in After Effects. This lets you design the timing and easing of your animation. This is where you lot pattern how your icon animation feels and the character and flavor that the blitheness creates for the user.

Another of import tip if you desire to acquire how to animate in Later Effects is to use basic keyboard shortcuts. These will significantly improve your animation experience and the time required to breathing.

Lastly, just taking the time to understand how shape layers work is disquisitional. If you lot want to breathing in After Effects and hand off to engineers, yous must understand the logic of shape layers. Shape layers are vector layers in After Furnishings. They have fill and stroke, and more importantly, you can animate their basic shape and color. All these properties can be animated. Additionally, After Effects has very cool tools for creating more complex animations, which are too supported past Lottie.

If y'all're just starting off, I highly recommend you watch my gratuitous class on how to create an icon blitheness in Later Furnishings. You will learn the entire workflow, equally well as how to consign your work to engineers, so that they can put it into a website, or an app.

four. Animation in Later on Furnishings: Basic Understanding

What are the of import topics,features or ideas that a person who is starting animation in after furnishings needs to know and sympathise first.

share data about the UI Blitheness Double Certification

We recently got a file from Issara about the Certification Outcomes which y'all can encounter here:

The almost of import aspects of learning how to animate in Afterward Furnishings, especially if you are a product designer, and peculiarly if you want to create stunning icon animations, is y'all need to know that Adobe After Effects uses shape layers.

Shape layers are animatable vector layers in After Effects.

Y'all have complete and total control over your shape layers. You can breathing the stroke, the make full, the colour, etc. You tin can even add together a gradient and animate that.

Once yous empathise how to import your designs into After Effects, you create keyframes on layer properties, animate your shape layers, and and so export to your engineers using a tool like the costless LottieFiles Afterward Effects plugin.

Designers who are starting off in After Effects, don't fully appreciate how powerful the programme is, and too how relatively easy it is to achieve stunning results quickly.

Once yous accept understood the logic behind shape layers and the graph editor, you can chop-chop combine these 2 features, and create professional icon animations in a very short amount of fourth dimension.

5. Blitheness in After Furnishings: Bones Agreement

A conclusion or overall overview on how to animate in after effects. What is your suggestions or recommendations for people who are new to animation and later effects?

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To recap, almost sophisticated icon animations are created using After Effects. Afterward Effects is the number 1 tool of choice for designing animated icons that are used in apps and websites.

Although it may look intimidating, yous can learn how to breathing in Later Effects relatively speedily, considering for the nearly function y'all're not using all of the complicated features that don't really apply to UI and UX prototyping.

Most of the features in After Furnishings are for filmmaking and TV commercials. You can animate in Subsequently Furnishings adequately quickly and easily, especially when you are animative icons.

The features that you will use in After Effects, like shape layers and the graph editor, are relatively easy to learn how to use.

And once you chief these features, yous will exist able to produce stunning work to elevate your projects and portfolio.

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